Boris Godunov

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In internal policy of Godunov’s government the common sence and thrift prevaited. Unprecedent construction if cities and fortifications took place. The church building was also carried to facilitate the stale of “posadsky” people. The big servants (officials) held trading people and handcraftsmen in their “white slobodas”, which were released from paying the state taxes, before. But now everyone who was engaged in trade and crafts should enter “posadsky” communities and participate in the payment of dutries to the treasury. So the number of such people increased, and each payer had to pay less, as the total sum remained constant.

The economical crisis of 1570s – the beginning of 1580s (forced) caused the establishment of serfhood. In 1597 the decree of “ ”, according to which the peasants who had run from their masters “during the last five years were subject to investigation, caurt and returning back to the peaces they lived before”. Those who ran six and more years ago weren’tsubject to that decree and more years ago weren’t subject to that decree and didn’t have to be returned to their former owners.

In foreign policy Godunov proved to be a talented diplomat. On the 18th of May in 1595 in Tjavrin (near Ivangorod) the peace treaty between Russia and Sweden was concluded. Godunov managed to take avantage of a difficult internal political situation in Sweden, - and Russia, according to the treaty, got back Ivangorod, Yam, Koporye and volost Korela.

Godunov’s reign.

Godunov’s way to the throne wasn’t easy. In Uglich the successor to the throne Dmitriy, the son of Ivan the Terrible’s six wife, grew up. On the 15th of May in 1591 tsarevich dead under the obscure circumtrances. The official investigation was carried out by the boyar V. I. Shujsky. Trying to please Godunov he reduced the happening to the “negligence” of Maria the Nade, as a result of which Dmitry accidentally stabbed himself with a Knife, while playing with his coevals. Tsarevich was still, he stuffered from fits and to give a Knife to the child was really criminal. It is possible that Godunov was involved in Dmitriy’s death, as only to make the nurse let the sick child play with a Knife would be enough. January 6, 1598 the tsar Feodor died, and Febriary 17, The Zemsky Cathedral elected the new tsar, his brother-in-law – Boris Godunov. They supported him as his activity as a favorite was highly valued by his contemporaries. Boris’s reign was marked by the beginning raproachment of Russia with the West. No sovereign in Russia liked the foreigners as much as Godunov did. He began to invite the foreigners to service, releasing them from paying taxes. The new tsar even wanted to invite the scientists from Germany, England, Spain, France and other countries in order to found in Moscow a high school, were different languages would be taught, but the church opposed the idea.

Boris’s reign began successfully. However, really terrible events broke out soon. In 1601 there were long rains, and then early frosts came and, according to the contemporary, “ ”. The next year the poor harvest repeated. The famine, lasting three years, broke out. The price of bread increased in 100 times. Boris forbade to sell bread at a price higher than the settled limit, he even resorted to the prosecufron of those who inflated prices, but he didn’t succeed. Trying to help the starving he didn’t spare means, widely distributing money. But the price of bread was rising and money was losing its value. Boris ordered to open the imperial barns for the starving. But even theit stocks were not sufficient for all hungry people, as having found out about the distribution, people from all the ends of the country came to Moscow, having left the poor stocks which, nevertheless, were available of their places. About 127 thousand people starved and were buried in Moscow, but sometimes there wasn’t enough time to bury all of them. The cases of man-eaters appeared. People started to think that it was a Divine penalty. There appeared the belief that Boris’s reign wasn’t blessed by God as it was lawless and was achieved through a lie. And so it couldn’t end in something good.

Ðåôåðàò îïóáëèêîâàí: 2/05/2008