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Blackboard jungle. The sky is the limit.
Cash and carry. To nose out.
To sandwich in. Berlin wall.
A close mouth catches no flies. To speak BBB.
To sound like a computer. As dull as lead.
Last but not least. On the stroke of.
Seminar 7.
Phraseological units.
Students choose ten phraseological units from Koonin’s dictionary of phraseological units and a unilingual dictionary of idioms and analyze them in the written form. During the seminar they analyze their phrasological units chosen from dictionaries at the blackboard.
Seminar 8.
Classification of borrowings according to the language from which they were borrowed:
Latin borrowings.
French borrowings.
Italian borrowings.
Scandinavian borrowings.
German borrowings.
Russian borrowings.
Classification of borrowings according to the borrowed aspect: phonetic borrowings, semantic borrowings, translation loans, morphemeic borrowings, hybrids.
Classification of borrowings according to the degree of assimilation: fully assimilated borrowings, partly assimilated borrowings, barbarisms. Borrowings partly assimilated semantically, grammatically, phonetically and graphically.
Analyze the following borrowings:
school represent sky-blue
degree rhyth immobility
chandelier the Zoo vase
mot /mou/ hybrid bouffant
illuminate keenly communicative
possessiveness to reproach command
moustache gifted boutique
skipper cache-pot well-scrubbed
nouveau riche emphatic mysteriously
dactyl Nicholas group
to possess chenile psychological
garage guarantee contempt
trait/trei/ triumph stomach
sympathy cynical Philipp
schoolboy Christianity paralyzed
system hotel cyclic
diphtheria kerchief dark-skinned.
Seminar 9
Word and notion.
Lexical meaning and notion.
Classifications of homonyms when applied to analysis.
Classifications of antonyms when applied to analysis.
Analyze the following lexical units applying the above mentioned classifications of homonyms and antonyms:
present - absent, present - to present
like , to like - to dislike - dislike
sympathy - antipathy
progress - to progress, regress - to regress
success - failure, successful- unsuccessful
left - left/to leave/, right adj. - right n.
inflexible - flexible
unsafe - safe adj. - safe n.
fair n. - fair adj. unfair, foul
piece - peace
dark-haired - fair-haired
a row - a row /rou/ - /rau/
a fan - a fan
superiority - inferiority
different - similar, indifferent, alike, difference - similarity
meaningful - meaningless
after prep.- before -before adv., before conj.
to gossip - a gossip
shapeless - shapy
air - to air - air
fearless - fearful
bright - dim, dull, sad
to fasten - to unfasten
something - nothing
eldest - oldest -youngest
to husband - husband
obscure - to obscure
unaccustomed - accustomed
to exclude - to include
to conceal -to reveal
too - too- two
somewhere - nowhere
a drawer - a drawer
with - without
Seminar 10.
Neology «blowup» and the work of R.Berchfield.
Semantic neologisms, transnomination and proper neologisms.
Semantic groups of neologisms connected with computerization.
Social stratification and neologisms.
Semantic groups of neologisms referring to everyday life.
Phonological neologisms and borrowings as strong neologisms.
Morphological and syntactical neologisms.
Changes in pronunciation.
Analyze the following neologisms from the point of view of neology theory and also from the point of view of their morphemic structure and the way they were formed :
to clip-clip AIDS coup
sound barrier to Vice-Preside boutique
to re-familiarize tourmobile sevenish
to de-dramatize non-formals to baby-sit
Реферат опубликован: 21/06/2009