Николаев и Якутия

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First Yakutian jewelry plant give its production. In 1992 it gave products for 10 million roubles per day, now is achieved much more high level. There are things of gold, diamond, silver. Add to this fur, mamont bone, foal meat, deer meat, wood, coal, gas and so on. Republic of Sakha has something to offer to foreign customer,, and it can support our cultural connections, which have deep tradition, is coming of delegation of 47 people from brother-town Muroyama (Japan), the delegation carried out a number of important appointment, including appointment with the head of Yakutsk Alexey Tomtosov, rector of the university Vasily Philipov and others. Delegations from Austria, Great Britain, China, the USA and other countries desire visitors us.


But distinct character of our present connections must be mutually beneficial economical relations. The Republic has worked out 22 state and complex programmes of development, including almost all spheres of life and activity of population, and branches of economy and culture. Each of them requires large investments and provides their realization with taking part of other foreign firms, companies and countries. Change of Republican economy character (from extracting industry to processing one is planned by foreign firms.

There are first signs of such cooperation. Austrian firms have built Medical center and non-alcohol squashes plant in Yakutsk. Swatzer MABETEXGRUPP, having built milk plant has built House of Maternity and childhood protection. Canadian builders have “Canadian village” of 37 cottages with autonomous provision for talented children of the Republic. State company of Foreign Trade SAKHAVNESHOPTTORG was established in the Republic, president of the Company is Andrew Popov. Having special divisions, SAKHAVNESHOPTTORG imports wood processing equipment, machines and tools for building, technological conveyers on processing of meat, fish, milk, newest medical technique and medicines, leading medical technology, transport. means, clothes and shoes for all seasons, food and other goods.

Export division is standing on its feet, too. SAKHAVNESHOPTTORG does operates on a number of main positions. They export to external market large sawing wood, timber, sawing materials, fur: squirrel, ermine, sable, for: production of deer-breeding: pants (spring horns), broken horns, organs of northern deer, energetic coal and so on. Having such firms as SAKHABULT, SAKHALES, SAKHAAS, YAKUTALMAS, YAKUTUGOL and other, our Republic will consolidate economical, trade and cultural connections with other countries.

Many positive developments in the economy and culture of the region are justifiably linked with the name of the first President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Mikhail Nikolaev. The stable situation in the Republic, the mutual understanding and co-operation with the leadership and regions of Russia, with the countries of the CIS and the “far abroad” – owe much to him. In December 1993 he was elected deputy to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, rated highly Mikhail Nikolaev as President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).


On 20 December 1991 Mikhail Nikolaev was elected the president of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). In his remarks to the citizens of the Republic on the third anniversary of the declaration of sovereignty of the Republic he stressed that “the constructive policies of the Republic of Sakha for solving its internal problems and also for its relations with the Russian Federation are attracting the attention of the Federation’s subjects and raise the authority of the Republic inside as well as outside of it borders…”

Реферат опубликован: 19/09/2007