The Khabarovsk territory

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1. Branches of the Economy

1.1 Fuel-Power Complex

1.2 Machine-Building

1.3 Ferrous Metallurgy

1.4 Civil Engineering

2. Transport and Communication

2.1 Railway Transport

2.2 River Transport

2.3 Marine Transport

2.4 Air Transport

2.5 Motor Transport and Roads


Fuel and Energy Complex

The Territory produces 9,23 billion kWhr of electric power which covers 95% of the Territory's demand.The rest of the electric power comes from the Amurskaya Region and the Primorski Territory since the power system of the Territory is integrated through Power Line 220-500 kW into the Interconnected Power System of the East. Practically all the industrial centers of the Therritori in its southern and near-northern parts are connected to the power network of the Interconnected Power System "Vostok-energo".Only Nikolaevsk heat electric generation plant operates in an isolated mode. Separate consumers in the northern areas of the Territory are supplied with electric power from the out-of-system small diesel power stations.

The installed power of the 109 power station of the Territory are nearly 2000 MW , 95 % of which belongs to heat-electric generation plants located in industrial centres.

The largest power stations in the Territory are the Khabarovsk Heat-Electric Generating Station -3 (HEGS-3) (540 MW), the Khabarovsk HEGS -1 (462 MW) , Amurskaya HEGS (285 MW) and Komsomolsk-on-Amur HEGS -1 (275 MW) .

At present the Urgal black coal deposit is developed in the Territory . The productivity of the Urgal mine amounts to 2,4 mln tons of coal per year. Because of the specific features of using the coal mined, and the established practice of fuel supply , 70 % of the Urgal coal output is supplied to Magadan and Sakhalin Regions . At the same time up to 7 mln tons of coal from Yakutiya , Transbaikal , Amurskaya and other regions of Russia are imported annually to the Therritory . Natural gas for energy needs and ferrous metallurgy of Komso - molsk-on-Amur industrial region is delivered by gas pipe line from Sakhalin .

Oil processing industry of the Far-Eastern Economic Region is concentrated in the Territory and is represented by the Komsomolsk- on-Amur and Khabarovsk Oil Refineries . These refineries satisfy over 50 % of the Far East demand and run on the oil imported to the Territory (9,8 mln tons per year) . About 20 % of the oil comes from Sakhalin oil fields by oil pipe line , while 80 % is delivered by railway from Siberia.

At present time works on implementation of wind energy development programme are under way in the Territory . This is the only one in the Far East wind energy assembling base for wind energy installations of various capacity .


Machine-building enterprises manufacture ocean and river ves- sels , aircrafts , diesel engines and diesel generators , metal cutting tools , power engineering and casting machines , cable products , electric travelling cranes , processing equipment for fish industry and consumer goods .

The Khabarovsk Territory accounts for 27 % of the gross Russian output of electric travelling cranes , 1,8 % of diesel engines .

Characteristic features of the branch are unsufficient develop - ment of accessory manufactures , poor cooperation between the local producers , orientation of the enterprises to manufacturing products intended to be used outside the Far-Eastern region . Up to 80 % of machine-building products are exported to the European part of the country and abroad , while the bulk of units , parts and accessory components are imported from the other areas of the country .

Реферат опубликован: 29/04/2009