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The perforated-plate-and-honeycomb combination is similar to an array of Helmholtz resonators; the pressure in the cavity acts as a spring upon which the flow through the orifice oscillates in response to pressure fluctuations outside the orifice.
Figure 7.2 Schematic of acoustic damping cavities in an angine duct. The size of the resonators
is exaggerated relative to the duct diameter.
The attenuation spectrum of this lining is that of a sharply tuned resonator effective over a narrow frequency range when used in an environment with low airflow velocity or low SPL. This concept, however, can also provide a broader bandwidth of attenuation in a very high noise-level environment where the particle velocity through the perforations is high, or by the addition of a fine wire screen that provides the acoustic resistance needed to dissipate acoustic energy in low particle-velocity or sound-pressure environments. The addition of the wire screen does, however, complicate manufacture and adds weight to such an extent that other concepts are usually more attractive.
Figure 7.3 Acoustical lining structure.
Although the resistive-resonator lining is a frequency-tuned device absorbing sound in a selected frequency range, a suitable combination of material characteristics and lining geometry will yield substantial attenuation over a frequency range wide enough to encompass the discrete components and the major harmonics of most fan noise.
7.1.2 Duct Lining Calculation
First we have to determine the blade passage frequency:
where z is number of blades, n is RPM.
Blade passage frequencies for different engine modes are given in table 7.1
Next we determine the second fan blade passage harmonic frequency, which is two times greater than the first one: .
Table 7.1 Fan blade passage frequencies for different engine modes.
Take-off |
Nominal |
88%Nom |
70%Nom |
60%Nom |
53%Nom |
Idle | ||||||||
10425 |
10055 |
9878 |
9513 |
9315 |
8837 |
4000 | |||||||
1st harmonic freq., Hz |
| |||||||
2nd harmonic freq., Hz |
Реферат опубликован: 28/08/2007