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This means that if we want to use an ‘age’ adjective and a ‘nationality’ adjective, we put the ‘age’ adjective first.

We met some young Chinese girls.

Similarly, a ‘shape’ adjective normally comes before a ‘colour’ adjective.

e.g. He had round black eyes.

Other combinations of adjectives follow the same order. Note that ‘material’ means any substance, not only cloth.

e.g. There was a large round wooden table in the room.

The man was carrying a small black plastic bag.

4. We usually put comparative and superlative adjectives in front of other adjectives.

e.g. Some of the better English actors have gone to live in Hollywood.

These are the highest monthly figures on record.

5. When we use a noun in front of another noun, we never put adjectives between them. We put any adjectives in front of the first noun.

e.g. He works in the French film industry.

He receives a large weekly cash payment.

6. When we use two adjectives as the complement of a link verb, we use a conjunction such as ‘and’ to link them. With three or more adjectives, we link the last two with a conjunction, and put commas after the others.

e.g. The day was hot and dusty.

The room was large but square.

The house was old, damp and smelly.

We felt hot, tired and thirsty.

Adjectives with prepositions.

1. When we use an adjective after a link verb, we can often use the adjective on its own or followed by a prepositional phrase.

e.g. He was afraid.

He was afraid of his enemies.

2. Some adjectives cannot be used alone after a link verb. If they are followed by a prepositional phrase, it must have a particular preposition:

aware of accustomed to

unaware of unaccustomed to

fond of used to

e.g. I've always been terribly fond of you.

He is unaccustomed to the heat.

3. Some adjectives can be used alone, or followed by a particular preposition.

· used alone, or with ‘of ’ to specify the cause of a feeling

afraid ashamed convinced

critical envious frightened

jealous proud scared

suspicious terrified tired

They may feel jealous of your success.

I was terrified of her.

· used alone, or with ‘of ’ to specify the person who has a quality

brave careless clever generous

good intelligent kind nice

polite sensible silly stupid

thoughtful unkind unreasonable wrong

That was clever of you!

I turned the job down, which was stupid of me.

· used alone or with ‘to’, usually referring to:

similarity: close equal identical related similar marriage: married engaged loyalty: dedicated devoted loyal rank: junior senior

e.g.My problems are very similar to yours.

He was dedicated to his job.

· used alone, or followed by 'with' to specify the cause of a feeling

bored content

displeased dissatisfied

impatient impressed

pleased satisfied

Реферат опубликован: 25/08/2007