Ñòðàíèöà: 2/2
diseases(mumps-ñâèíêà, measles-êîðü, rickets-ðàõèò, shingles-êðàñíóõà)
games(billiards, bowls-ãîëüô, dominoes, draughts)
some proper nouns(Algiers, Athens, Brussels, Flanders, Marseilles, Naples, Wales, The United Nations, the United States.
Nouns ending –ics(classics, phonetics)
Plural invariable nouns
Names of tools…consisting 2 equal parts(bellows-ìåõè, binoculars, breeches-áðèäæè, braces-ôèãóðíûå ñêîáêè, flannels-ôëàíåëåâûå áðþêè, glasses, pants-áðþêè, òðóñû, pincers-ùåïöû, pliers-ùèï÷èêè, ïëîñêîãóáöû, pyjamas, scales, scissors, shorts, spectacles-î÷êè, suspenders-ïîäòÿæêè, tights-êîëãîòêè, tongs-ùèïöû, trousers, tweezers-ïèíöåò)
Miscellaneous nouns(ñìåøàííûé) (annals, antics, archives, arms, ashes, the Commons, contents, customs, customs-duty, customs-house, earnings, goods, goods train, greens, holidays, manners, minutes, outskirts, quarters, stairs, suds, surroundings, thanks, troops, wages, whereabouts, the Middle Ages)
Some proper nouns (the East Indies, the West Indies, the Hibrides, the Highlands, the Midlands, the Netherlands)
Unmarked(nouns of multitude & collective):
C: the family was large, m: the family were fond of their house.
Ways of showing partition
A piece of, a loaf of, a stick of, a bar of, a sheet of, lump, blade, block, strip, grain, pile, heap, word, item, article, fit
2. Category of Case of the noun
Shows the relation of the noun with other words in the sentence
Common case-zero inflexion
Genitive case-apostrophe s(‘s)
[z]-after vowels & voiced consonans-negro’s, dog’s
[s]-after voiceless consonants-student’s
[iz]-after sibilants(ñâèñòÿùèé)- prince’s, judge’s; Marx’s ideas
zero ending-girls’, boys’
with regular plural nouns(boys’)
greek nouns in –s(Socrates’ wife, Xerxes’(çåðêñèñ)
other names: 2 variants – Burns’ & Burns’s poems
Compound nouns-s joined to the final component(the editor-in chief’s office)
Group genitive(when ‘s can be joined)
2 persons possess or are related to smth they have in common(mom & dad’s room, John & Mary’s car)
to a more extensive phrase which may even contain a clause(the Duke of Norfolk’s sister, the secretary of state’s room, the man I saw yesterday’s son)
to a noun(pronoun)+a pronoun group(someone else’s benefit)
to a group ending in a numeral(in an hour or two’s time)
The main meaning of the genitive case-possession, Possessive case, main modifications:
the idea of belonging: John’s coat
Different kinds of relations:
Relation of the whole to its part(Jon’s leg)
Personal or social relations(John’s wife)
subjective relations(The doctor’s arrival, the Chekhov’s book)
authorship(Byron’s poem)
objective relations(John’s arrest-he was arrested)
measure(an hour’s trip, a mile’s distance)
‘s lost the meaning of possession (woman’s work, idiot’s smile, women’s college, angel’s eyes)
The use of genitive case & its equivalent of-phrase
with nouns denoting persons & animals(John’s idea, swalow’s nest). With other nouns-of+noun phrase
with nouns denoting time & distance(minute, moment, year & substantivized adverbs - today)today’s papers-ñåãîäíÿøíèå, the papers of today-ñåãîäíÿøíåãî äíÿ)
with the names of countries & towns(Britain’s national museum, Canada’s population)
with the names of newspapers denoting different kinds of organizations(company’s plan, Guardian’s analysis, Geographical Society’s gold medal)
with the nouns world, nation, country, city, town(the nation’s health)
with the nouns ship, boat, car(ship’s crew)
with nouns denoting planets(sun, moon, earth)(this earth’s life)
set expressions: to one heart’s content(desire), at death’s door, at arm’s length, out of harm’s way, a hair’s breadth, a needle’s eye, at a stone’s throe, to move at a snail’s pace, at the water’s edge
The syntactical function of the genitive –attribute. It’s always used as a premodifier & sometimes called the depend genitive.
The absolute genitive – when the genitive case is not followed by the headword & when it stands for the whole noun phrase:
It is used:
to avoid repetition(our house is better than Mary’s(house))
after the preposition of(an old frend of my mother’s)
to denote shops(the grocer’s, the baker’s)
saints’ nameSt Paul’s(cathedral)
places of residence(at my uncle’s, at Timothy’s)
Double genitive
My mother’s father’s people
The boy’s half-hour’s run
Ðåôåðàò îïóáëèêîâàí: 31/01/2009