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cobblers testicles; rubbish
cock and bull a story with very little truth in it
cock up to ruin something
e.g. "it was a real cock-up"
e.g. "haved you cocked it up ?"
coffin nail a cigarette
conk nose
conkers a childrens game played with horse chestnuts
copper police man/woman
cough up to pay
crackers crazy
cracking great; fantastic
crackling a woman who is regarded as a sexual object
crate an old name for a very old plane
create to make a fuss or an angry scene
crown jewels male genitalia
crumbly an old or senile person
crumpet a desirable woman
dabs fingerprints
daft stupid
dark horse somebody who suprises others by their actions
des res Estate agents use this to describe a
"desirable residence"
dial face
dickie bow a bow tie
diddicoy a gipsy
dip a pickpocket
dishy good looking
do a runner to leave quickly avoiding punishment
doddle easy
dog's bollocks something really good
dog's breakfast a mess
donkey's breakfast a straw hat
doodah to be in a state of excitement
e.g. "He was all in a doodah !"
doolally scatter-brained; crazy
doorstep a thick sandwich
dosh money
doss house a cheap lodging house
dosser a tramp
do the dirty on to play a mean trick on
dough money
droopy drawers an untidy or sloppy person
drop a sprog have a baby
drum a house or flat
duffer a stupid person
dummy a baby's pacifier
earful to get a shouting
e.g. "My mum gave me a right earful !"
easy-peasy something very simple
earner a lucrative job or task
elevenses morning tea break
extracting the urine see "taking the piss"
fab fabulous; wonderful
face-ache a miserable looking person
fag cigarette
fag-end a cigarette butt
fairy a homosexual man
family jewels male genitalia
fanny female genitalia
fence a receiver of stolen goods
filth, the police
fishy about the gills looking the worse for drink
fizzog face
flake a stick that is made up of flaky
pieces of chocolate
flicks, the the cinema
flog to sell
footy football; soccer
fuzz, the police
gamboll a somersault done on the ground
gamp an umbrella
gentleman's gentleman a valet
Geordie a native of Newcastle
gift of the gab being very free with speech
git an insult
e.g. "You stupid git !"
give it a whirl try it out
give someone the pip to get on someone's nerves
gob mouth
gobsmacked speechless
goes like stink very fast
good nick very good condition
gooseberry a fifth wheel
goosegog a gooseberry
go to the dogs to go to ruin
grass, grasser an informant
hang about wait a moment
hell for leather very fast
hols holidays
home and dry to be safe
hush silence
inexpressibles trousers
in good fettle in good health
in the altogether nude
in the know to have inside information
in the noddy nude
jam packed very full
jar a drink, usually a pint of beer
jelly jello
jerry a chamber pot
jerry builder a builder of unsubstantial houses
Jock a scottish person
Jonah a bringer of bad luck
jumped up to be conceited
jumper sweater
keep you hair on please calm down
kick the bucket to die
kissed the Blarney Stone a person who tells tall stories
knackered tired, worn out
derived from horses being taken to the
'knackers yard'
knockers breasts
leg it ! quick lets run !
legless drunk
like a rat out of a very fast
load of bollocks you're talking crap
utter nonesense
loo a toilet; a washroom
Liverpudlian a native of Liverpool (also see Scouser)
lorry a truck
man in blue a policeman
marmite a spread for sandwiches
me old cock my old friend
Реферат опубликован: 7/06/2006