Иудаизм и Еврейский Народ

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To enable members to abide by the dietary laws, communities provide for the slaughter of cows, goats, sheep and chicken in the prescribed manner. They also construct bathhouses to allow members to follow the rules of ritual purification. Larger communities maintain religious academies where the Torah and Talmud are studied and rabbis are trained.

Сrimes inside the community and legal disputes between members are resolved by Rabbinical courts. There is no police force and no prisons. Courts punish by imposing fines or by banning perpetrators from the community temporarily or permanently.

To enable members to abide by the dietary laws, communities provide for the slaughter of cows, goats, sheep and chicken in the prescribed manner. They also construct bathhouses to allow members to follow the rules of ritual purification. Larger communities maintain religious academies where the Torah and Talmud are studied and rabbis are trained.

Expulsions and the Black Death

AFTER THE CRUSADES, expulsions of entire Jewish communities become frequent events. In 1290, all Jews are expelled from England - about 16,000 people. Communities in England are again established only in the 17th century. In 1306, Jews are also expelled from France.

Expulsions are often preceded by accusations of ritual murder and anti-Jewish riots. Taking advantage of these anti-Jewish sentiments, local rulers, town magistrates or merchants use the opportunity to rid themselves of Jewish moneylenders they owe money to, or of unwanted competition. Just as Jews are admitted to towns to promote trade or provide credit, expulsions are mostly grounded in economic interests as well.

The 14th century is overshadowed by a great disaster: Europe is hit by the plague. Between 1348 and 1350 the epidemics kill millions of people - a third of the European population.

As the real causes are unknown, foreigners, travelers and the Jews, the only non-Christian minority in all affected countries, are accused of having spread the disease. Many believe that Jewish communities are taking revenge for decades of anti-Jewish hostility by poisoning the wells and water supplies.

While the disease is progressing from Spain and Italy north to England and Poland, about 300 Jewish communities are attacked, and thousands of Jews burned at the stakes or killed. In the German states almost all Jewish communities are expelled.

With the forced conversions and expulsion from Portugal and Spain at the end of the 15th century, the highly developed communities of the Iberian Peninsula are destroyed and Sephardic Jews forced into renewed exile. Sporadic expulsion of Jewish communities in Europe continue into the 19th century.

Герцель Янкель Цам, единственный российскй еврей, получивший в 19 веке офицерский чин. В 17 лет его забрали в "кантонисты", после чего он прослужил в армии 41 год, но дослужился только до капитана. Не поддавшись давлению, он так и не принял христианство.

Пасхальная Хагада - изложение истории праздника пасхи или "прохождения" - одного из главных иудейских праздников в память чудесного избавления евреев от египетского рабства и исхода из Египта. Смотри

Иудаизм и Еврейский Народ

Начало еврейскому народу дали скотоводческие племена, кочевавшие по Среднему Востоку. В 13 веке до н.э. они начали переселяться на земли, принадлежащие сегодня государству Израиль, оседать там и строить селения и города. Центром государственности евреев всегда был Иерусалим, священное место, где находился Храм. Окончательно сформировавшиеся в эту эпоху религиозные каноны иудаизма требовали строгого соблюдения нравственных норм, личной ответственности, терпимости и социальной справедливости.

Реферат опубликован: 25/03/2009